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Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Question: How come I never see anyone else doing a warm-up prior to working out?
Answer:  That’s a great question, and one that’s relatively easy to answer. Most people simply don’t make time for a warm-up. Lots of folks just want to “get in and get out,” and don’t really consider the benefits of properly preparing the body for exercise. Let’s highlight a few of these benefits, so you have justification for incorporating it into your workout.

1.       Increases the temperature of your muscles and joints, which makes movement more efficient and reduces the risk of injury
2.       Causes blood vessels to dilate, which shuttles oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, allowing you to achieve peak performance
3.       Prepares you for exercise mentally, heightening your senses and allowing you to focus and concentrate on the work at hand

There are lots of other benefits, but no matter why you do it, a simple fact remains. You will feel better and perform better if you include a warm-up in your exercise session. Take five minutes, and do some light cardiovascular exercise, along with a few basic bodyweight strength exercises. Try the elliptical or some fast walking, and throw in some lunges, push-ups, squats, or planks. And don’t forget, it’s best to try and mimic your actual workout if possible!

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